
When submitting a proposal, authors will be prompted to review our Creative Commons Transfer Terms and Licensing statement:

So that my submission can be shared with reviewers and researchers, and my peer-reviewed abstract can be included in conference materials, I (Author) accept the following license:

Creative Commons-Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0) is a widely used public license that meets the definition of Open Access. Licensing your abstract under this License makes it easy to re-use for the whole community. Please be informed that the License allows commercial use of your abstract as well as making derivative works. However, it guarantees that you are mentioned as the author of the abstract every time someone uses it.

For DH Unbound 2022, this license will be used as follows:

1) Accepted proposals will be revised by authors and published in the online program along with their names and affiliations;

2) In lieu of a Book of Abstracts, revised abstracts will also be deposited in Humanities CORE, where they will be preserved and given a digital object identifier (DOI). Additionally, conference participants are strongly encouraged to deposit their presentations—whether in the form of a paper, slides, poster, or other format—to CORE, and to share them with the DH Unbound 2022 group on the Commons, in order to facilitate ongoing discussion and citation of your work.

Materials deposited in CORE will be governed by the Humanities Commons Terms of Service, about which more information can be found in the CORE FAQ
