Conference Details

Registration for DH Unbound 2022 is Live!

DH Unbound 2022 will take place from May 17-19, 2022. Registration for DH Unbound 2022 is now open! ACH, CSDH, and ADHO Constituent Organization members receive reduced registration rates for the conference. Register here

Bursaries for DH Unbound 2022

ACH & CSDH/SCHN members who are presenting at DH Unbound 2022 and are students or are contingent or un/underemployed professionals are eligible for a bursary to cover the costs of registration. Apply for a bursary by April 15, 2022. Apply here

DH Unbound 2022 Schedule and Platform

DH Unbound 2022 features talks and special events by digital humanities colleagues around the world, including North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Our schedule, which will be released in mid-April, reflects the unique time zone needs of our presenters:

  • May 17, 2022: 9:00am-7:30pm Eastern
  • May 18, 2022: 9:00am-9:00pm Eastern
  • May 19, 2022: 7:00am-5:45pm Eastern 

The schedule is available here. Clicking on session titles will pull up abstracts for the session. By logging into ConfTool, you will be able to create your own agenda for the conference. Links to Zoom and Topia for the sessions will go live on May 16, 2022 and will then require logging into ConfTool for access.

An overview of sessions, without access to abstracts, can also be downloaded here.

Parallel sessions will take place on Zoom, while the Poster/Demo/Virtual Book Fair will take place on Topia, a spatial chat platform. During the conference, our Topia world will be available 24 hours a day to gather with colleagues for informal conversations and follow-up. 

On May 16th, the day before the conference, we will distribute the conference program to all registered attendees. This program will include a link to our Topia world and Zoom links for presentations for easy access. 

Call for Virtual Book Fair

If you published a book between 2020 and 2021 or if your book is about to be published in 2022, DH Unbound invites you to its Virtual Book Fair. The event will give authors the opportunity to connect with other members of the community for informal conversations and to answer questions about their work. 

The Virtual Book Fair will take place on May 17th between 10:45 am and 12:00 noon Eastern and on May 18th between 7:45 pm and 9:00 pm Eastern. Participants will be scheduled in a session based on their time zone.

The Virtual Book Fair will take place in Topia. A link to the DH Unbound 2022 Topia World and a map will be provided in the conference program. During the Virtual book Fair, you will be able to stand by the image of your book cover and participants will be able to come to talk to you about your book. 

If you want to apply, please send the title, publisher, description, and publication date of your book to Barbara Bordalejo ( The deadline for proposals is April 10th. We will notify the selected authors by April 15. Priority will be given to publications that directly address the subject of the conference.

Presenters must register for the conference to participate in the Virtual Book Fair. 

Events at DH Unbound 2022

DH Unbound 2022 will feature a keynote plenary conversation with Samantha Callaghan (King’s Digital Lab) and Luis Meneses (University of Victoria) on May 17th at 12:45pm Eastern, as well as a keynote speech by Dana Diminescu (Télécom Paris) on May 19th at 10:30am Eastern. 

DH Unbound 2022 will also feature: 

  • The ACH & CSDH/SCHN Annual General Meetings on May 18th at 12:00pm Eastern
  • A Computational Periodicals Unconference on May 18th from 4:30-6:30pm Eastern
  • The ACH Mentoring Resume and CV Clinic open to all registered attendees on May 18th from 4:30-6:30pm Eastern
  • A workshop on Spyral Notebooks on May 18th from 4:30-6:30pm Eastern
  • A check-in for digital humanities librarians and staff on May 18th from 6:30-7:45pm Eastern
  • An special session on multilingual digital research infrastructure for non-Latin scripts on May 19th from 7:00-9:00am Eastern
  • A plenary roundtable honoring Stéfan Sinclair on May 19th from 1:30-2:30pm Eastern
  • A plenary roundtable on multilingualism on May 19th from 4:30-5:45pm Eastern

Register now to receive access to these wonderful events and more! 

For questions and concerns, please contact Roopika Risam, Barbara Bordalejo, and Emmanuel Château-Dutier, DH Unbound 2022 Co-Chairs, at
